Reed's 11 Month Update

Dear Baby Reed,

Sometimes I wonder if we'll call you that forever!  I suppose you'll be the baby until we have another one.  this update is so late it's embarrassing.  

Happy 11 Months!  Mama can not believe you are almost a year old.  It just hardly seems possible.  Our time with you has been so wonderful but it has gone way too fast.

You are still a tiny little guy.  Each month I keep saying I am going to move you up into the next size of diapers but we still have some twos left so we will finish those up and then finally make the switch to threes.  You do wear 3s at night though.  You are still wearing 6-12 clothes or 6-9 months in some brands.  You have a tiny little waist but some things are starting to get a little short in your arms and legs.  I'm hoping that we can hold out until the weather change for some new clothes.

You are still walking like crazy.  We got you your first pair of shoes because the weather has been nice enough to go to the park and you are ready to play!  It's fun to watch you toddle around the park, church...pretty much anywhere.  People are usually very surprised at your age because you are very steady on your feet.

You still are only saying Mama.  Occasionally you will babble other random things but you say Mama most of the day over and over again.  I love it.

You have started to "play" with your brother.  Oftentimes that means you take what he is playing with and he takes it back.  You think it is a game so you take it again.  It is funny to watch.  You don't seem to have a favorite toy but you are always carrying things around and usually have something in your mouth as well.

You'll eat just about anything.  You still only have your two bottom teeth but that doesn't seem to stop you.  I think your favorite meal is pizza but you are quick to finish anything green and you love fruit of any type.

We love you so much buddy!  I can't believe that the next time I write you will be one year old!!

Mama & Daddy


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